The day 1 patch helped to smooth out the gameplay from the first version. Before, controls were very stiff and enemies could easily gang up on you, making it hard to retaliate. Not so anymore. Because enemies can no longer stun lock you, it's much easier, fluid, and allows for a feeling of flow. Not that there's a whole lot to do at the moment, but current mechanics work well with no real glaring issues. Except of course, a severe lack of enemies to test with. After about five, they're all gone.
Repeatedly spawning enemies, while stale, would increase the engagement, allowing for more experimentation with mechanics and more fun to be had. Can't gauge the difficulty without enough enemies to test with. But thankfully, it no longer feels cheap. Even if it is ultimately easy, that's still infinitely preferable to cheapness, because it means you can actually play around in the game without getting killed by surprise.
Aesthetically it's unpolished, but the implementation of the art style, models and music are quite well done. Details like flipping the bird and HUD effects are appreciated. The one location is very sparsely detailed, and sound effects are slightly lackluster, but the aesthetics are the demo's strongest asset by far. Overall, while it's very empty with not much to do, what little gameplay I did have I enjoyed. I'd love to see more from it; at the bare minimum more enemies to fight.