Oh my goodness, I wish I could articulate how excellent this makes me feel. In short: incredible.
I love hypocycloid roulette curves.
Oh my goodness, I wish I could articulate how excellent this makes me feel. In short: incredible.
I love hypocycloid roulette curves.
Great work.
thank you!!
God damn, this is so good.
The sounds of lucid nightmares of which you can't get out.
What the world is afraid of.
i recognize u from r/halflife bro
Inexplicably catchy.
Aime ça.
Great stuff here.
Creator of eclectic and sporadic multimedia. Jack of all trades, master of none, I have experience in game dev, music composition, sound design, editing, VFX, subtitles, and procrastinating. I love the rich history of Newgrounds. Now I want to contribute.
Jerma's subtitler
Joined on 11/16/21